Saturday, 10 August 2013

1100 Miles with Monty

Today's research is studying the book 1100 Miles with Monty: Security and Intelligence at Tac HQ by Norman Kirby (Stroud: Sutton, 2003).

Norman Kirby was in charge of intelligence and security at Monty's Tactical HQ between 1943 and 1946.  He had the responsibility of Monty's personal safety and gave him a priviliged position to see some of the key events of the war.

He had trained as a language teacher, and so was also used as an interpreter during the North West Europe campaign.  The book is written accessibly and with a large degree of humanity.  He gives excellent insights into the mentalitites of the French, Belgian, Dutch and German citizens he came across during the time,

In terms of the Onward Christian Soldiers project, Kirby refers to his Sunday School upbringing, and how the lessons he learned then were sometimes at odds with the tasks he had to undertake in the war.  He also makes reference to Montgomery's own religiosity.

Well worth a read.  A good example of someone with a solid Christian background, but not obviously at the evangelical or devotional end of the spectrum.

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